Thursday, March 25, 2010

Laylat Al-Qadr

Surah Al-Qadr is the 97th sura according to the order of the Manuscripts. He was placed after surah Iqra '. The scholars of Al-Quran states that he fell away after falling surah Iqra '. In fact, some of them, declared that the sura Al-Qadr falls after the Prophet Muhammad. emigrated to Madinah.

Placement and perurutan surah in the Qur'an is done directly on the orders of Allah SWT, and the harmony-perurutannya found a wonderful harmony.

If the surah Iqra ', the Prophet. ordered (as did the Muslims) to read and who read it include the Qur'an, then it is natural if the chapters thereafter - ie surah Al-Qadr is - talking about the decline of the Qur'an and the glory of the night was selected as the night Nuzul Al -Qur 'an (Koran fall).

Month of Ramadan has many privileges. One of them is Laylat al-Qadr - the night that the Qur'an is named "better than a thousand months".

But, what and how the night? Did he just happened once either during the night when the Quran drop fifteen centuries ago, or occurs every month of Ramadan throughout history? How to arrival, if every person would be waiting for him to get it? Was there physical signs that accompany the presence of material (such as freezing of water, the quietness of the night and menunduknya trees, etc.)? There are many more questions that can and often appear related to the night of Al-Qadr is.

To be sure, and it must be believed by every Muslim on the basis of statements of the Qur'an, that "There is a night called Laylat al-Qadr" (Surah 97:1) and that night was "blessed night in which everything is described or defined large affairs with wisdom "(Sura 44:3).

Night occurred during Ramadan, because the Bible tells that he was sent down by God during Ramadan (Sura 2:185) as well as on the night of Al-Qadr (Surah 97:1). The night was glorious night, was not easy to know how much glory. This is suggested by the existence of "questions" in the form of veneration, namely adraka Wa ma ma laylat Al-Qadr.

Thirteen times adraka ma sentence repeated in the Qur'an. Ten of these questions about the greatness associated with the day later, as adraka Ma ma-Yawm Al Fashl, ... Al-Haaqqa .. 'illiyyun, and so on. All this is not easily accessible by the human mind, if you are reluctant to say impossible reach. Of the three dozen times adraka problem that there are three times that says: adraka Ma ma al-tariq, adraka Ma ma al-Aqabah, and adraka Ma ma laylat al-Qadr.

If viewed using the Qur'an about the things that the object of the question, it is all things great and hard to reach essentially completely by the human mind. This obviously includes Laylat al-Qadr which is our subject, this time.

However, while scholars distinguish between the questions and adraka ma ma yudrika also used by Al-Quran in three verses.

Yudrika He wa ma 'alla al-sa'ata takunu qariba (Al-Ahzab: 63)

Yudrika la'alla ma wa al-sa'ata qarib ... (Al-Shura: 17)

Wa ma la yudrika God is yazzakka (Abasa: 3).

Two things are questionable with wa ma yudrika is the first time about the arrival of doomsday and the second what to do with the sanctity of human life.

Clearly, the Koran - as well as Al-Sunna - said that the Prophet. do not know when doomsday comes, and not also know about the supernatural. This means that the ma yudrika used by Al-Quran for the things that can not be known even by the Prophet. alone. While adraka wa ma, although the form of questions, but in the end deliver Allah to the Prophet., So that further information can be obtained from him.

It all means that the problems Laylat al-Qadr should be referred to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet., Because that is where the information can be obtained.

Return to the original question, how about that night? What is the meaning of Al-Qadr night and why the night was so called? Here is found a variety of answers.

Qadr own words are used for at least three meanings:

1. Determination and regulation so that Laylat al-Qadr is understood as the establishment of God for the night journey of human life. This opinion is strengthened by adherents to the word of God in surah 44:3 mentioned above. There are scholars who understand that the boundary determination year. Al-Quran which descended on the night of Laylat al-Qadr means that on that night Allah regulate and establish strategies for khiththah and His Prophet, Muhammad., To invite people to the true religion, which in turn will set the course of the history of mankind, either as individuals or groups.
2. Glory. The night was glorious night unequaled. He is noble because it was selected as the night the Quran fall and since he became the starting point of all the glory that can be achieved. The word which means noble Qadr is found in verse 91 surah Al-An'am who spoke about the idolaters: Ma qadaru Allaha qadrihi Haqqa anzala ma idz qalu Allahu 'ala basyarin min syay'i (They did not glorify God as the glory which should , when they say that God is not down anything to humans).
3. Narrow. Tonight is the night the narrow, because of the many angels who descended to earth, as stated in surah Al-Qadr: The night fell the angels and the Ruh (Gabriel) with permission of their Lord to manage all affairs. The word that means narrowly Qadr is used by the Qur'an for example in verse 26 surah Al-Ra'd: Allah al-rizqa yabsuthu yasya liman 'wa yaqdiru (Allah enlarges the provision for the desired and narrow it down [to whom He] ).

The third meaning is, in essence, may be true, because it is not night glorious night, which can be achieved when he set the future of mankind, and that at night the angels came to earth with peace and quiet? However, before continuing the discussion about the nature and the wisdom of Laylat al-Qadr, will first be answered questions about his presence, whether every year or only once, ie when the decline in the Qur'an fifteen centuries ago.

From the Qur'an we find the explanation that the revelations of Allah was revealed on Laylat al-Qadr, but because people agree to believe that the Qur'an is complete and no further revelation after the death of the Prophet Muhammad., Then based on that logic, there who argued that glorious night it was not going to be there anymore. Obtained by the glory of the night was because he was elected to decline when the Qur'an. Expert hadith, Ibn Hajar, to name one understands the history of the adherents of the above which states that the Prophet. to have said that the night-Qadr was not going to come again.

Opinion was rejected by the majority of scholars to hold on to the text Koranic texts and the many traditions that indicate that Laylat Al-Qadr occurs in every month Ramadha.n. In fact, the Apostle of Allah. encourage his followers to prepare for the noble soul that night welcomed in particular the ghazal nights after over twenty days of Ramadan.

Indeed, the decline in the Qur'an fifteen centuries ago happened on the night of Laylat al-Qadr, but that does not mean that glorious night it was present at all. This also means that the glory is not only due to the Quran when it fell, but because of internal factors on the night itself. Opinion was reinforced also by the use of verb forms mudhari '(present tense) in paragraph, Tanazzal al-mala'ikat wa al-ruh, is a form of Tanazzal word which means continuity, or the occurrence of something in the present and future.

Now, if when he comes, he will meet with each person awake (not sleeping) in her presence that night? Not a few Muslims who expect so. However, allegations that - opinion of the writer - a mistake, because it could mean that the privilege is to obtain a good wake up to greet him or not. On the other hand, this means that his presence was marked by the things that are physical material, whereas such narrations can not be accounted for validity. And if, once again if there are physical signs of material, then it would not be met by people who do not prepare themselves and purify the soul to greet him. Water and oil can not be together and meet. Goodness and glory brought by the Laylat al-Qadr could not be achieved except by certain people only. Great guests who visit one place, will not come to see every person in that location, even though every person in the place that desire it. Is not there someone who had missed the arrival of a lover, but the lover was not prepared to stop him? Likewise, the Laylat al-Qadr. That is why the month of Ramadan a month of his presence, because this month is the month of purification of the soul, and that is why he believed that the Apostle arrived in the last ten nights of Ramadan. Because, when it is expected that the human soul fasted for twenty days earlier had reached a level of consciousness and purity that allows precious night pleased to see him drop. And that is why the Messenger of Allah. encourage and practice I'tikaf (pause and reflect on the mosque) in the last ten days in the month of Ramadan.

When the soul is ready, consciousness has started to blossom, and Laylat al-Qadr came to meet someone, when it was night when his presence became Qadr - in the sense that, when determining the course of the history of his life in the future. At that time, for the moment in question is the starting point to achieve the glory and the glory of life on earth and in the hereafter, and since then, the angel will come down to accompany and guide him toward goodness until the dawn of new life and then later in the day. (Note again the meanings of Al-Qadr is described above!).

Shaykh Muhammad 'Abduh had explained the view of Imam Al-Ghazali on the presence of angels in human beings. Abduh gave the following illustration:

"Everyone can sense that in his soul there are two kinds of whispers, whispers of good and bad. People often feel the struggle between the two, as if what came to mind when it was presented to a court of law. This was received and rejected, or which is said to do and what it prevents, the case reached the court ultimately decides something.

What good is an angel whispering, whispering while evils are evil or at least the cause of these whispers are angels or demons. Now, falling angels, on the night of Laylat al-Qadr, meet people who prepare themselves to greet means that he will always be accompanied by the angel that his soul was always driven to do good-good. His soul will always feel the greeting (a sense of security and peace) is not limited to the dawn night Laylat al-Qadr, but until the end of life to the dawn of a new life in the day and then later on. "

Above have been expressed that the Prophet., Encourage her to practice i 'tikaf in mosques in the framework of reflection and purification of the soul. Mosque is a holy place, where all the virtues of activity begins. In the mosque, one expected the contemplation of self and society. Also, in the mosque, one can escape the hurly-burly of a suffocating soul and mind in order to gain additional knowledge and the enrichment of faith. That is why when doing I'tikaf, someone recommended to multiply prayer and reading the Koran, or even other readings that can enrich the faith and piety.

The night of Al-Qadr, which met or who met the Prophet was the first time when he was alone in the Cave of Hira, he thought about the self and society. When he had reached the soul of holiness, come down al-Ruh (Gabriel) brought the teaching and guiding him that there was a total change in his life journey journey even human life.

In order to welcome the presence of Laylat al-Qadr is that he taught to his people, among others, is doing I'tikaf. Although I'tikaf can be done anytime and in a long time only - even in the view of Imam Shafi'i, although only just over matched by the pure intentions - however, the Prophet. always do it in ten days and nights last month of fasting. It was there that he bertadarus and thoughtful as he prayed.

One of the most common prayer he read and biological meaning is: Rabbana atina fi al-dunya hasanah, wa fi al-Qina akhirah hasanah wa 'adzab al-nar (Our Lord, Grant us good in the world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of Hell). Prayer is not just mean a request to obtain virtue and wisdom of the world hereafter, but even more steps aimed at stabilizing the attempt to achieve virtue in question, because the prayer of the petition means that with the business. It also means that application attempts to make virtue and happiness is obtained in this life, not only limited impact in the world, but continued until days later.

If such was achieved by humans, it is clear he had obtained the glory of the world and the hereafter. Therefore, do not be surprised if we hear the answer to the Messenger of Allah. which refers to prayer, when his wife 'A'isha asked what prayer should be read if he felt the presence of Laylat-al-Qadr?

Fungsi dan Peran Wahyu dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat
Dr. M. Quraish Shihab

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My First Blog: Tolerance in Islam

My First Blog: Tolerance in Islam

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How to become steady Prayer

There are things down a steady prayer. Steady? Yes, I mean khusyu. Please record:

1. Fully prepared to pray. Most of us stand to pray, such as getting up from the chair cushions glue adhesion.
2. Tuma'ninah, which means peace, concentration, focus and move the little things are not important, but not mean stony silence as meditation or ascetic.
3. Given die in sholat, if more remembered the prayer, which is death, certainly we will be surrender to God, as our last activity in the world for God.
4. Understanding the importance of prayer readings. We recommend a large proportion of the Muslims must learn Arabic, because after the god had chosen Arabic as the language of religion. I guarantee not difficult to learn. Or at least understand the importance of prayer and reading the letters in prayer alone, that's enough. It is not unreasonable to ask us to God by saying that we do not understand, Islam is not religion spells.
5. Reading the Koran, stopping at each verse. It means to give breath to each section and give the heart a chance to the meaning and significance of each letter and word translation is even spoken sentences.
6. Reading the Qur'an and read Tartil pimp. The evidence is clear, open in the Koran.
7. Convinced that God is all prayers, praise, earning, and hope in our prayers.
8. Places sutrah (veil barrier) closer to God's road, except goal is only when we pray, for example in a mosque, while people over for us. A person who passed answer prayers, he really has a loss and have a big problem if he knew. Meanwhile, let alone someone who carelessly passed to our face when we pray, then make our prayers so our concentration disturbed.
9. Placing his right hand on the left hand on breast, make no mistake, not in the upper chest near the neck, or stomach or navel, or under the navel or in the stomach.
10. Looked at the bow, the meaning is submission to God, do not try and shot in the left-right or even later his own sin.
11. Move the finger movement, in this case there are differences of opinion, in principle, follow the course that you know and not doubt the evidence of others different from your answer. I think it helps move the finger when the concentration of prayer in sit tasyahud. Match hadith says syaithon answer feared tasyahud finger movements in prayer, please refer to themselves haditsnya
12. Reading the letters of the Koran, or prayers interspersed, God gives us the opportunity to learn and remember, so of course why the letter to use, it was only when praying? another letter to would be jealous ..
13. Reading Sajdah verses in the Quran there are some verses that we used to prostrate when they read, in all circumstances as long as possible conditions and situation. So do not be surprised or blame strange, misguided and so as a community if we are suddenly in the middle of the road lying priests themselves.
14. Pleaded refuge in Allah from the temptations of Satan, Satan actually wrote his name as he fled mess iqomah adzan or blown, then they would have returned to the prayers of people like the protesters who rushed avoid police tear gas, then the police when they come back and no deterrent before hearing their demands in the Assembly, he .. He ..
15. Set concentration righteous people used when they pray, it means a lot to read the story of the companions, how they pray.
16. Knowing khusyu privileges "in prayer. I do not discuss the privilege khusyu in this article, please googling yourself. the clear explanation that prayer is meaningful to the offender where the time is right and khusyu. Famous prayer and khusyu just not 100% guarantee is received (because the human obligation to carry out commands with the best results in the hands of God), let alone the sholat not true and not khusyu Well, it means that you do not understand this whole article .. )
17. Earnest supplication in prayer when, especially at the time of exhaustion. 90% of the reading of the prayer is prayer, especially for our good. Indeed, why do about the request to the owner of everything, we beg like loans to the creditors, with pleading, only the difference in supplication illegal to give false information ..
18. Dhikr after prayer .., .. ya remember, not in a hurry after the prayer, unless you're a newly married, who had just finished Akkad and married two religious prayers ... hi .. hi ..

So what can I took and some are not necessarily Ziyadah saheeh. Hopefully useful for me. For you? What's your charity ... You are responsible ...:D

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why Choose Islam?

Why choose Islam, what distinguishes Islam with other religions, what special? Happenings Talking characteristics of Islam that attracted attention and Distinguished it from other religions is the first and most interesting. Among them, the Islamic religion of Islam denies the notion that monopolizes the truth and denied that there was no other religions are true. Similarly, Islam does not state that only the Arabs who had become the recipient vessel of God's love. Islam is a religion only cypress completely rejects the notion that truth is the monopoly of a religion, a people or a nation.
The opposite of religion of Islam argues that divine guidance is a blessing of the universe that has supported human livelihoods over the Centuries. Qur'anic Scripture tells us that no one nation one people were never blessed with the guidance of divine grace. Similarly, there was no one else in the world religion or a people who had never visited by the Prophets and the messengers of God (Surah 35:35)

Contrary to the view of Islam on the Manifestation of God's grace to all people in this world of our minds attracted by the fact that no one holy book of any religion that proves or even mention the possibility of human or other people in the pages of history to receive the light and receive guidance from God. In essence of truth and validity of a local or regional religion often so much emphasis, while the truth of other religions, religion completely ignored, as if the sun of truth is just rising and sinking on the horizon is limited to certain people to the exclusion of the rest of the inhabitants of another world that seems, will be abandoned and lost in eternal darkness.

For example the Book of Bible suggests just the God of Israel, and repeatedly said:

Praise is to God, the God of Israel (I Chronicles, 16:17)

The book did not confirm the truth at all the revelations bestowed upon other countries or to other people-people. Thus the belief of the Jews that all the Prophets of Israel sent only to the tribes of Israel is entirely consistent with the objectives and mandate of the Bible. Jesus also has stated that his arrival was intended to provide guidance to the Hebrew tribes alone, and he has to say: "

"It is not I'd been sent to the other, only to the lost sheep of the children of Israel" (Matthew 15:24)

And he warned his disciples with these words as follows:

"Not worth the bread of children, then dump him to the dogs". (Matthew 15:26)

It is also the case are like the Hindu religion and Scriptures also show his call to the class of people from high castes. It says:

"If a chance to hear a line of Vedic verses, the King must ears with wax and pewter"


"If he read a part of the holy books, his tongue should be cut, if he managed to read the Vedas body should be cut." (Gotama Smirti: 12)

even if we Heed the commands or similar hard we give a little review is not so hard on the commandments, the fact remains that the sacred books of various religions are not explicitly signalled to the truth of the religions of the countries and the other-people . Fundamental question that arises here is if all these religions are essentially true and what lesson also suggests the concept of divinity in words so limited that such insights? Quran easily provides a solution to this complicated situation. The Quran says that even before the Quran was revealed and the Great Prophet Muhammad was sent the messengers of God indeed has been sent to it each and every part of the world, but the coverage area of religions that are regional or temporary effect. This is because the human civilization had not yet universal Achieved task was sent to undertaking the universe.

Universal Religion

The first page of the book of the Holy Koran also submit flattered praise to Allah, Lord of the universe, and the final message of the Qur'an put forward the concept of insight into the universe-not just the concept of God or God's Arab Islam alone people. Surely no one before the Great Prophet Muhammad's appeal to all mankind and there is no one book before the Koran holy book of the call addressed to the whole world. The first confession was made for the same person with the Prophet Muhammad's words as follows:

''And we sent you (Muhammad) but as a bearer of news like and warning to all men, but most people do not know (As-Saba: 29)

and then:

"Say (O Muhammad), 'O mankind! I messengers unto you" (Al-raf: 159)

And when the Qur'an calls itself as a warning to the universe (at-Takwir: 28) The Qur'an maintains its identity as a giver of instructions that her dependent development and human progress. Qur'an repeatedly been called "that confirmed the truth of" holy books and other Muslim men were ordered to believe in all the other Prophets just like the way they trust their own Prophets. (Prophet Muhammad PBUH). Our faith is forbidden in Distinguishing among The Prophets can not believe that is only to some and reject the others. The Qur'an states:

"(We) all believe in God and the angels of His, and the Book-of his book, and the apostles-apostles by saying, 'We do not discriminate His messengers messengers to each other" (Albaqarah: 286)

It is interesting to examine the Universality of Islam is and why Islam has been so stressed at this time. Muslims marched continuously advanced with a message to unite mankind. Examples of this tramp in our day are the establishment of the various agencies and the International Federation. Indeed all the bodies and the Federation was a milestone mile stones along the long road back-junction deviate toward the unity of all mankind. Therefore felt needs highly advanced human beings today are more civilized met by planting the seeds of this problem-solving in the teaching mandate of Islam 100 years ago. Of course, today's rapid development in the field of frequency of travel and communications provide new stimulus to the process towards unity, the peoples and nations.

Understand the differences and conflicts between religions and Reality they

The question that stuck out is if all true religion founded by the Apostles of God why there are differences in the Teachings of their religion? Can the God who was also lowered Teachings different? This question is answered by Islam, and this too is a Distinguishing features of this religion. Islam holds that there are two main things that led to understand the differences between the various religions. First is the diversity of circumstances had willed the diversity of rules and laws, and God the All-Knowing and the All-Wise has provided guidance for many Centuries, regions and nations according to their needs of each. Second, the content of the various religions so Faded and Withered swallowed up period, because the authenticity of religion, AGMA was not maintained, the followers of their own put-heresy and heresy variation-variation to meet the needs of the ever-changing. And the books of the original revelation continue constantly modified for this purpose. It is obvious pollution of the authenticity of such Teachings in is the end impose new guidelines that deviate from the original source. As God says in the Qur'an as follows:

"They were words of twisting places and forget some of what has been Advised to them" (Al-Maidah: 14)

If we trace the history of the differences between the various religions based on the principles put forward by the principle of newspaper, then we will find that the differences tend to decrease if we reach closer to the source itself. For example, if we restrict the difference between Christianity and Islam only to the life of Jesus and the four Gospels in the new agreement will be visible only are small differences between the main Teachings of the Bible and the Koran. But if we continue to explore the line time of the road-gap differences these differences will become larger and larger until nothing to bridge. And all this is caused by human effort to correct what has been revealed in the original. History of other religions also Reveal the same basic reality, and we get a strong support from the Koran that changes and corrected made by human hands against the Teachings of God, forever decline stemmed from the worship of one God leads to more than one God, and from reality to fiction, and of humanity to the practice of worship of human beings.

The Qur'an tells us that the surest way to know the characteristics of a true religion, though later experienced by human intervention, is to check the original source. If the original source to teach the Oneness of God, not worship anything except God Almighty and to teach a sense of genuine affection more pure to the whole mankind. So Religion is like that, although then had undergone dramatic changes-should be accepted as the true religion. The founders of religions who fulfilled the benchmark is really forms a more pious and righteous are messengers sent by God, about those we do not Distinguished between one another and we must fully trust their truth, they were having as fundamental characteristics that although they differ in time and place. The Qur'an explains this way:

"And they were not commanded but to worship God with Sincere in obedience to Him and with straight and establish prayer and pay zakat. And that's true religion. (Al-Bayyinah: 6)

A True Religion

Distinguishing Another feature is the religion of Islam is not just nature but universally announced also announced a lasting character, and then meet the preconditions for such announcements. For example one can apply the eternal mandate if the mandate was complete and perfect in every aspect and also the truth of it guaranteed. In other words His book should carry the divine guarantee safe from pengkoreksian and intervention by human hands. As for the Qur'an God Almighty himself announced in the Qur'an:

"Today have I perfected your religion for you, and have been Kulengkapkan nikmatKu delight upon you and have Islam as a religion" (Al-Maidah: 4)

Maintenance Qur'an

As I point out a doctrine of eternal are inadequate again just to complete the perfect sheer, but there must also guarantee the maintenance of the original shape. Qur'an quite fulfil these fundamental needs, and a lower form of this Qur'an has been announced with the words that bright-light:

"We have sent down this book and in fact is we as keeper" (Al-Hijr: 10)

In other words God Himself will guard it and would never let him handle mixed-human. A way of maintaining the integrity of the text according to the will of God is within each every century there are always hundreds of thousands of people who have memorize the Koran by rote, and this practice continues to this day. And the main benchmark for maintaining the core purpose and content of the message it is sunnah (toxicity) Allah appoint an interpreter guide, mushlikh-mushlikh, reformers, Reformers in later Centuries. They are usually sent as spiritual leaders by the Almighty himself, and the usual celestial guidance to Mediate the differences and contradictions among adherents understand-Islamic religion. Thereby keeping the true spirit of the holy Koran book.

Of course the question arises, is there any recognition of the Qur'an regarding the maintenance is also supported by reliable evidence? A key answer to this question lies in the fact that there are a large number of non-Muslim experts research completely failed in their attempt to show that the Qur'anic text has been mixed with human signed after the Great Prophet Muhammad died. There essentially on extensive research experts in this field, stated openly that the Qur'an has been preserved and maintained intact in the original form. For example Sir William Muir in his book, "The Life of Muhammad '" says:

"We can express the strongest Suspicion, that every verse is the original composition and the whole of Muhammad himself. (The Life of Muhammad, p. 28)

and also:

"Besides there are all the outer and inner security that we have a text which Muhammad himself suggested and use (Ibid, p. 27)

Nöldeke said:

"There is the possibility of writing a little mistake but Uthman Koran contains no other elements except the original layout, although sometimes very odd arrangement. The efforts of European scholars to prove the existence of the filling-in insertion in the Qur'an and had failed. (Enc. Brit. Edition to 9 under the word Quran)

A Complete Religious

As for the recognition of Islam that differs from anything else unique that the Teachings of the Quran is perfect and complete more fully able to give demands to mankind over the Centuries this was fully supported by the description. It is not possible to discuss this subject in detail in this short time and I must limit myself to a brief reference to some guiding principles and examples as an illustration. First we must consider how Islam succeeded in meeting the demands of changing times, who thus anticipate the need to make a correction in the Teachings. It Dazzle for charity demands review recommended by Islam in this regard and will now about it before I offer you all as an example:

Islamic Based only the fundamental principles and prevent him from mentioning details that might be changing in tackling demands of the times and changing circumstances that. Islam not only recognizes the fact that there is a change and their development to some extent in one day. For example it is possible some of the world inhabited by people who are still living in the stone age, and some groups of people and ethnicity may still be a thousand years behind our century., Although we both were in the same period. Social and intellectual conditions of their actual politics are still left behind a century far behind. I'm sure we all would agree that a very stupid act when forced political ideologies of the modern to the indigenous peoples in Australia or to the people of Congo pygmies in the country.

Islam is a religion that aligns them with human nature and meets all human needs, change is not needed in the teaching-teaching, unless there is also a fundamental change in human nature-a view that we can immediately remove. These are some important points in the principles of Islamic Teachings. Now I will discuss these points a little further so that my description can be fully understood.

Zakat and Money Flowers

Islam denounced the institution of money interest in all its forms and strongly encourage him to eliminate it totally. Style stated motivation for replacing interest money, in order to move the economic wheel is called zakat. I certainly did not discuss this issue in detail in the time available, and therefore I will only say a few words about the methodology used by the Qur'an to express the core-core Teachings within the scope of this important situation. Zakat is an order to withhold capital tax, realized from the people who are. In addition to meet the demands of this tax is intended to meet the needs of poor people. In other words the order or the system not only meets the needs of the government mechanism but also guarantee to meet the demands of public welfare. All it has done is to put the basic principles and handed it to individuals who have knowledge of reasoning and insight to decide cases in accordance with the conditions of small-dominant conditions in the specific environment at a particular time. The Koran says that in a number of their Possessions and crossed the line beyond even their basic needs have a field for those who do not capable to meet the Basic Necessities of life and are considered incapable in their environment. Clearly this is proof that is everyone's right to have certain basic Necessities of life given to him in every country and society, while the responsibility to perform this obligation are those who have wealth beyond the limit of their basic needs by delivering to the state to make decisions on basic work which Ensure that the system is good, fair, impartial and suited to meet the basic objectives.

Direction-Direction of Political Affairs

Other big international problem that we are faced with today is the determination of form of government to a particular region or country. Here, too, guiding principles of Islamic religion is so relevant, weighted, and the elastic so that the truth and the interests deeds be evidence of the truth itself. No one can deny that certain forms of government are considered suitable or otherwise not suitable only when applied to a particular set of circumstances. And futile to imagine that a certain political system can meet the needs of all people of all ages. That is why Islam does not specify a particular form of government. Similarly, Islam does not express or socialist forms of democracy are also not recommended for the kingdom or the form of Dictatorship. Instead of developing disseminated methods for establishing government-government, Islam is explained principally to run the affairs of politics and governance in a way typical of and set of requirements that no matter what form-the obligations of a government must always be carried out fairly and not one -sided, with Sympathy, ever meet and Uphold the rights of human rights.

Thus, instead of emphasizing on the first segment of the popular definition of democracy, which is "government by the people", Islam emphasizes that any form of government in all circumstances must be "for the people". So if democracy is among the forms of other government real emphasis is on quality. It is said that democracy is not an empty democracy, but that they are choosing their leaders must leaders people who are competent, motivated by honesty to elect those who really only able to work and quality. This has been made by the Qur'an requirement to elect a leader:

"Truly God commands you to submit appeals to the owners, and if you judge between people should decide fairly. (An-Nisa: 59)

Then as natijah any form of government that might set up, the government was obliged to justice without discrimination of race, color or creed.

Now I will mention briefly the rules of orderly basis defined by the Qur'an on a system of government:

"Government is obliged to protect the honor, life and property people" (4:59)

"A person ruler must always act fairly between individuals and among nations (4:59)

National problems should be resolved by consultation "(42:39)

"The government should provide basic needs of human-namely the needs of providing food, clothing and shelter" (106:5)

People must be provided a peaceful environment and safety, as well as Life, property and honor they are protected "

economic order must be fair and equitable and neat.

health care for the organized.

Must have full freedom in explaining religion "(2:257)

The defeated nation should be treated fairly "(5:9)

Prisoners of war must be treated with affection "(8:68)

Agreement must forever be respected

Agreements that do not unjustly imposed on the weak.

Muslim citizens were ordered to obey the government in power. The only exception to this command is if the government firmly oppose and prevent the Islamic people worship

If disagreement arises with the authorities understand that the distinction must be completed accordance with the principles described by the Prophet, let not the time we rocked tossed by the Customary self-absorbed.

People were ordered to assist the master plan with supporting a plan that aims to improve the general welfare and Tranquility. Forbidden launched a movement called non-cooperative

it is also the case are like the governments are obliged to assist business in berkaidah whether they are individual or collective, and not Hinder such efforts.

Islamic Concept of Justice

Now I will mention a few examples of the principles of Islamic principles-perhaps deserves special emphasis in the world today. Other religions do not put forward comprehensive guidelines on the implementation of justice and rules of The Game cleaning, and although when mentioned but mention the words that could Hardly be applied to our present era. In essence some of these directives seem to contradict directly with the intellect and our reasoning in this century, and we can do other than to conclude that these Teachings have been corrupted or had been intended only for local or temporary applications. Because the Jewish religion only shows God as the God of Israel to exclude all others, it is not Surprising that Judaism even respond to the problems of fundamental rights of human beings are not supposed as.

The Jewish religion does not seem to increasingly friendly to the people not only Hindus but also not against the Hindus themselves from lower Caste, because it further Narrows reach of God's love to the small Part of the human race. Hinduism specify:

"If a Brahmin can not afford to pay a debt to a Sudra, sudra people had no right to collect. However, if a Sudra can not afford to pay the debt borrowed from a Brahmin, Sudra men had to work as Porters for the people of Brahma until he was able to pay its debts in full ".
(Manu Sariti 10:35)

More on that in the Jewish religion we can not find the enemy of justice concept, said:
"And if your God gave them up to you and you beat them then you have to destroy them once all. You can not make a deal with them."

I am now going to mention in passing a few examples of Islamic teaching with respect to the field. Qur'an instructs, and I quote:

"And when ye judge between man let you make decisions with justice (4:59)

"Be ye those who become upholders of justice and be witnesses for God, even though the case was in conflict with yourself or the father and the mother's relatives" (4:136)

"And let not the hostility of a people pushing you to act unjustly. Adilllah valid, it is Nearer to Piety". (5:9)

"And fight in God's way those who fight you, but you do not exceed the limits. Truly Allah loves not those who go beyond". (2:191)

"And if they incline towards peace then you tend to it precisely". (8:62)

Another example which I mentioned about the legitimacy of Islamic Teachings are related to revenge and forgiveness. If we compare the teachings of Islamic Teachings in this field with the Teachings of other religions, we are adrift attention to the Old Testament command as follows:

"The eyes will be replaced eye, tooth for tooth will be replaced, will hand for hand, foot for foot". (Ex. 221: 24)

Inevitably the emphasis on such revenge was mentioned not only made us wonder, but also make our hearts sad. But I mention these examples not to revile other religions but to show that if this is reviewed based on the principles of the Koran principles such drastic actions can also sometimes be justified. The Qur'an thus helps us in understanding the Teachings of other religions which contradict the spirit of tolerance and understanding, so this is a defining characteristic of Islam. According to the Koran once revenge is justified to meet the specific needs within a specific period. This is needed to encourage the Israelites to make them seize up from their rights after they become victims of Slavery for a long period and as they become natijah Coward nation and developed into a nation that suffered from an inferiority complex. It is clear that in such circumstances would be not appropriate to focus on forgiveness, for such things would make the Israelites were more sunk into the swamp and not giving them confidence and courage to break the fetters of Slavery. Therefore this doctrine true and correct to the situation at that time there, and it really teaching given by God the All-Wise.

On the other hand if we consider the New Testament, we find that the opposite of the previous books, namely the Old Testament, New Testament emphasizes the limits of forgiveness to the extent that the New Testament did away the Children of Israel from the right to Resentment their vent somehow. The real reason for this is the practice of previous teaching throughout long periods of time, the Israelites Oran has become heartless and savage, and this can be cured only by suspending for a certain period of impingement suspend their Resentment. That is why Jesus warns to them:

"You've heard the saying that: 'the eyes and teeth replaced replaced eye teeth', but this I say unto you, 'Do not resist an evil man, but he who slapped the right cheek Cheeks give him another one. And if anyone want to indict you, then take your clothes let him take your cloak also "(Matthew: 38:40)

Muslims believe that contrary to the doctrine as complementary-each fully authorized to apply, and each is suited to teaching Situations and conditions that predominate in his time each. Therefore, neither can claim as a universal doctrine or teaching that is eternal. This is fully justified because humans still progressing since the early stages of development and had not yet become a society that can be awarded a final law more universal. We believe that Islam is the law (Shari'a) the last and put forward a doctrine of Islam that is not affected by the place or time, and this fact enough described in the Teachings. The Qur'an says:

"Remember that retaliation against crime is a crime worth it, but Whoever forgives and therefore brings in improvements, and then the reward is there in God, for He does not like people do wrong". (42:47)

Islam thus combining the two best things from the Teachings of the previous, with affixes that forgiveness is vital that recommended, provided that the act was calculated to be led to an increase in morale and self-improvement in the guilty. If not then the punishment is deemed necessary, but must not exceed the threshold of evil done. Surely this extension fully consistent with human nature and worth of this than obliged as it lowered guidance fourteen Centuries ago.

Distinguishing features some other

Problem characteristics that Islamic Distinguished are a very large issue with coverage. And I had a chance to discuss only some aspects of which I have selected for my description. Time will not allow more than mention in passing only to certain aspects of my who did not want to miss.

1.) Muslims believe in God as the Creator of nature and displays only unity with the words of a very simple, comprehensive and interesting. Interest in a rustic or a scholar. Muslims call God as Being the Plenary, the source of all beauty and free from defects Segal. She Being the Most of Life incarnates Himself everywhere and who loves his creatures and hear their requests. None of the characteristics that have been suspended. Therefore, he communicates with human beings as well as he communicated before this and did not close the road to reach him directly.

2.) Muslims believe that there is no Contradiction between the words of God with his actions.

Al-Qur'an is the of All Truth

Became my conviction that the Holy Qur'an is perfect in his Teachings and completely contains all the truth that is as stated in the word of God Almighty that:

"Have we sent down to thee the book to explain all things". (S.16 An-Nahl: 90)
and the verse:

"There is no something that we omitted in this book". (S.6 Al-Anaam: 39).

But I also think that it is not the function of any scholar or Maulvi to express and declare the religious matters of the Qur'an. This is a function of the people who specifically had been helped by divine revelation as part of the semi Prophet Hood or purity. They are not the recipient of revelation, was not competent enough to bring insights into the Qur'an. The only way for them is to accept all the Teachings that have been received from generation to generation without trying to Interpret the Qur'an.

Those who obtain enlightenment in sacred revelation Nur was among those who are sanctified. To them this was God s.w.t. from time to time opened the pearls of wisdom hidden in the Qur'an, and explain to them that the Messenger of God's Presence there is no increase whatever adds his own opinions in the Qur'an, Hadith suggests that in addition to the valid only bring the details of the principles and guidance in the Qur'an. With these insights Reveal the miracle of the Qur'an so real to them flushed and the truth of the verses which according to God Almighty "There is no something that we omitted in this book". Became clear to them. (Al-Haq, Mubahisa Ludhiana, Qadian, 1903, now printed in Ruhani Khazain, vol .. 4, p. 80-81, London, 1984).
* * *
Meaning than the verse:

"He who has sent in the middle of the illiterate nation a Messenger from among themselves, who read to them signs of his, purify them and teach them the Book and Wisdom". (S.62 Al-Jumuah: 3)
This is to show that the Holy Koran has two great purposes for which it has sent the Prophet Hadzrat The first is the wisdom of wisdom of the Qur'an that is related to insight and wisdom pearls they contain. The second is the influence of the Koran in Purifying the mind.
Preservation of the Qur'an not only mean maintaining the integrity of the text, because these functions have also been carried out by the Jews and Christians associated with the sacred books of their long ago, such that the pressure of living letters (vowel) of The Torah was their attention. What is meant by preservation of the Quran is not just only text but also maintain the benefits and maintain the influence of the Book and this can be done in line with the management of the Divine if from time to time are always brought in representatives from the Prophet Hadzrat where they are obtained thanks to the apostolate as a reflection of his form of reflection. This is indicated in verse:

"God has promised to those among you who believe and do deeds of righteousness bermuat, that He would have made them the caliphs in the earth as He has made the caliphs of the people before them, and He will affirm for them their religion, that He has ridhoi for them and surely He will give them security and peace as a substitute after the terror seized them. They will worship Me and they will not associate anything with Me. And Whoever disbelieved after this, they are the people who are ungodly " . (S.24 An-Nur: 56).
This verse explains the meaning of other verses is:

"Verily, We it is Who sent down this warning and We is as the keeper". (S.15 Al-Hijr: 10)
as an answer to the question of how the Koran would be maintained. God Almighty has said that from time to time he would send the Heir to the Prophet Presence

How to overcome the Global Economic Crisis??

The first thing we look for any impact of this global crisis is God's nature is ar-Razzaq who is providing sustenance. It was he who causes property increases or decreases. A true believer will never feel troubled the ups and downs of property, because in reality it is for the betterment of his faith when God manifests his nature with his gift.
On this day, the whole world has been overwhelmed by the financial crisis. Global Economic Crisis. All the countries in the world, both developed and developing countries have been trapped in a very complex problem. Some countries that previously enjoyed strong economic conditions, in such a way they believe will be able to run the world because they have very sophisticated technology (in terms of science, food, weapons, drugs) and countries that others always have with their dependence because of their existence, seemed shattered before their eyes. The fact of the matter is that they are supported by economic policies that cause extremely fragile collapse affected by the global economic crisis.

Word of Allah in the Qur'an Karim:

"And do they not that Allah enlarges the provision for whom He wills and He (also) a narrow (that provision). Indeed, in that there really signs (of Allah) for those who believe.

So give it to the closest relatives of their rights, as (also) to the poor and those in transit. That is better for those who seek pleasure of Allah and it is they are lucky people.

And something riba (additional) that you gave to her property grew in humans, then it is not usury increase with Allah. And what do you give a charity that you intend to achieve the pleasure of Allah, then (who do so) that the people who double (reward).
It is Allah Who created you, then give you sustenance, then mematikanmu, then menghidupkanmu (again). Have any of you associate with Allah that which can do anything from that? Glory be to He and High Exalted from all that they associate ". (ar-Rum [30] :38-41)

The first thing we look for any impact of this global crisis is God's nature is ar-Razzaq who is providing sustenance. It was he who causes property increases or decreases. A true believer will never feel troubled the ups and downs of property, because in reality it is for the betterment of his faith when God manifests his nature with his gift.

On this day, the whole world has been overwhelmed by the financial crisis. All the countries in the world, both developed and developing countries have been caught in a very difficult country rumit.Beberapa previously enjoyed strong economic conditions, in such a way they believe will be able to run the world because they have very sophisticated technology (in terms of science, food, weapons, drugs) and countries that others always have with them because of the dependence of their existence, seemed shattered before their eyes. The fact of the matter is that they are supported by economic policies that cause extremely fragile collapse affected by the global economic crisis.

The true Self is God, but the countries superpower has failed to understand this. The solutions that they're trying to save its economy will not last long, because the solution is not a reliable solution. The real solution is in the closeness to God and follow His whole teaching. Unfortunately, Muslim countries are also engaged in practices similar to them than to follow the instructions in the Quran and those countries do not have the slightest sense of guilt or shame. The leaders of these countries have a sense of selfishness that so extreme and they are more interested to continue to fill his personal bank account. Countries in the Middle East (oil-rich countries) would prefer to continue building a modern infrastructure for themselves, but they did not use its natural resources as the Lord has commanded that is to help Muslim countries are poor options. Even they have the advantage and invest their wealth in Western countries so that they can accumulate interest on their deposits. On the other hand, they develop an Islamic Banking system to realize its aims in his own country, which in fact is just like the labeling system is just and equal atupun usury and interest does not follow the teachings of the Qur'aan.

Provide Allah Rezeki, warn people of faith to spend some sustenance to the family, poor and needy, and travelers in order to achieve God's pleasure and to gain prosperity in terms of spiritual and material well. A true believer who is not someone who took the words from his mouth meaningless, but he is a man of strong convictions against the Lord, That Has To provide all needs, and he spends back what he received in accordance with the wishes of God. Underlined the need in this case, we must remember that a Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, as well as that Muslim countries are bersudara one another, that they should help the Muslim countries are poor and others who are not considered assistance as charity but as a fulfillment of religious responsibility. Should the Muslim countries are rich fulfill this responsibility than to invest their wealth in Western countries to earn interest, they should seek God's pleasure but they've failed to do so and now they suffer misfortune as a result of the global economic crisis.

Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Caliph Ahmadiyah explained in simple language about the root causes of the economic crisis that is currently happening, with emphasis on the fact that the institutions that provide loans in Western countries actually use the deposit funds of their clients wealth and distribute this money as loans for several purposes, to buy a house and a few other personal items. Most of the money lent to almost no projects are productive, which will be more able to actually strengthen the economy by creating a lot of resources. These loans have been handed over by the easy terms (as an example of a low down payment, and in some cases to 0% of deposits). Then the borrowers do not pay attention to the amount of money he should pay for the flowers according to the terms of the contract. When earned income decline, and he had to run her household debt payments during the period, he had found himself so deeply sunk into the abyss of debt that makes it impossible to pay back its debts in some cases. When the repayment of debt of many clients experiencing congestion, many of the Bank to stop lending money because the funds can not quickly provided. As a result the global economic crisis.

Some countries claim that they are not affected by this crisis, as examples of countries Middle East, they have made a false statement, first, their foreign investments to be shrinking in value and that both they have dependence on their natural resources, as examples of oils that are also experiencing a great depreciation value. A newspaper editorial titled "Sea of Debt" a statement that the U.S. economy had entered into a very difficult condition that it was impossible to restore it easily.

In fact, the whole world was facing the same situation. In America, the credit card users who make them so many fallen and can not make progress because they have involved a form of carelessness in expenditure. Now funds are not immediately available and there are restrictions from companies credit card cause each individual push themselves to shop. Car sales declined sharply and air travel also experienced a drastic decline. This is as a result of reduced fuel consumption due to oil prices is falling. In addition, the purchasing power of all personal needs has decreased, so the result is an increase in depressed individuals.
Thus God says that anyone who uses usury as a form of income is the same as people who take in the establishment of satan.

"The people who eat (take) usury can not stand but as stands a demon because of (pressure) psychosis. Their situation is such that, is because they say (think), actual trading is like usury, but Allah has justifies the sale and purchase and forbids usury. The people who have to ban him from his Lord, and continue to stop (from taking usury), then for him what he had taken first (to judge); and business (up) to God. People who repeat (taking usury), then it is the inhabitants of the Fire they will abide therein ". (2:276)
In other places, God has declared it forbidden usury. Using the usury cause someone to fall into a vicious circle, and make it very difficult to get away from it. there is an anecdote that "If my neighbor lost his job, it is a recession. If I lost my job, it is a depression ". This anecdote is just giving points to the current global situation, where thousands of jobs have disappeared. Mirza Masroor Ahmad has warned the whole world with the words that hard, if there is little sense in you, leave the use of usury. By contrast, invest in the field of trade in accordance with Islamic teachings which are supposed to Muslim countries can lead in this field. Furthermore, he gives examples of some countries such as Pakistan and some African countries, where the leaders of these countries have become so corrupted with extreme and not true to our own country, such as entering the fuel to the fire. Some countries continue to survive on loans from rich countries but do not have a method of how they have to pay back his debts. These countries have been blessed with natural wealth but they have been doing practices that are embarrassing to the expected funds from other countries from time to time.

In fact they had forgotten the teachings of God Almighty and they will be exposed to the wrath of God. This system of usury creates such gaps in between the rich and poor but the Islamic system as zakat create a harmonious relationship between all members of society. Mirza Masroor Ahmad advised that every person and more particularly to the Muslims they should stop all forms of loans, it can prevent from various economic crises that this crisis will not be repeated a few more years to come.
In the reading of the Koran at the beginning of the sermon, he reminded that God not only created us but it also promises to provide sustenance for His creation, in a condition that we follow the orders of his. Instability and frustration as well as the cold war is now happening in the world is as a result of world wealth that is only used by a handful of the rich while the weak ones who can only see from afar without ever getting a part for themselves. Another reason of the destruction of world peace is also a branch from the fact that the case that rich countries take advantage of the natural resources of developing countries to use for his own benefit. Islamic tradition strongly condemned it.

Then Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that the world must understand some of these valuable rules in order to stop this economic crisis:

1. Learning to stand with his own abilities, either as individuals or state level. Stay satisfied with your abilities and do not be tempted to buy a big house and fancy cars that will pressure you involved into the system debt.
2. Get rid of the system of usury
3. The wealth of a country should be separated from efforts to manage natural resources in other countries. Developing countries must be confident that the country's resources will be used to benefit his own country, although there was intervention from the International.
4. State leaders must have a sense of loyalty and patriotism to his own country.
5. The rights of poor people must be met.
These rules are derived from the teachings of Islam, Islam is only one who can present the best solution for dealing with crises in the world today. Piety is a must if you want to get prosperity. There will be no salvation if we ignored the word of God and did not believe Imam Zaman.

Da'wah Rasulullah and Glory Prophet

Prophet of Honor is greater than the fees of others. He was the one who bring the world back. In connection with the Arabs, adultery, Drunkenness and fighting one another is their main characteristic. They have removed the rights of living things (they have removed the assumption that they have a job or other rights. Sympathy and goodwill has been lost. Not only the rights of living creatures that have been Trampled upon, the rights of God will also have closed in darkness. Rocks, plants and the stars become allies of the Mighty God. Various kinds of atheists are not Uncommon. Humans are weak, and even body parts of a personal nature were worshiped. If someone is Sincere hearts watch this situation he will see a form of Tyranny that was horrible. It is a yag side paralyzed, but the paralysis that Affects both sides of (human body). The crime of the total in the area, peace and security there is on land or at sea.

Prophet Look at those dark days. He who put the two parts were in place. He placed human rights, as well as the rights of God in place. One can understand the moral perfection of the Messenger of God by seeing the darkness in his life and the changes do beliah. The enemies he persecuted the Prophet and his followers - and the abuse was so hard - but when he has the power to treat them at will him, he showed remarkable generosity.

There is no hardship that is not imposed Abu Jahl and his Companions to the Messenger of Allah. Islamic women are poor and tied to the Camels Camels rushed ah different circumstances; ripped bodies that Islamic women; their mistakes just because they have faith in La ilaha illallah (There is no God but Allah). However Prophet educate patience. And when he conquered Mecca, he forgave them all saying: laa tatsriba 'alaikumul yauma. How much the perfection of that character; it was not present in any other prophet. In short you must have a high character, because that is the key to good deeds. (Malfudzat, vol II.hal.79-80)