Saturday, February 6, 2010


Sometimes, I used to think what exactly is the inspiration? I looked in the dictionary and thesaurus and found that the inspiration is similar to the vision (which many have), genius (Hmm ... maybe just a few of us have chosen), and is also synonymous with influence (time, This really depends on the person and the circumstances). But how do you define inspiration - it is something you do, see, hear, taste or smell? It is something that one of your five senses can perceive? Depends on the person who really, why try and the various situations that surround it.

And true inspiration can be likened to a fingerprint, different for each person. My dear friend is a musician and Jessah gets her motivation from different sounds that we have around us. We were a walk in a rainforest once and I brought my camera, as usual. Then we came to a clearing near and we decided to stay a little 'and bask in the relaxing atmosphere that surrounds us. Nature is truly some of the biggest and the most original and best pieces of art for those of us that really the time to notice. For myself, I began to take note of all the things I use in my work ... the edges of the rocks, the shape and the majesty of the trees, the size and contour of the clouds of heaven.

However, my friend Jessah just sit still while listening to the gay chirping of birds, the rustle of leaves thin, and feel the cool breeze of the mountains. She really wanted to work as representing everything that absorbs his music so that people would feel even more like what we did that day. Therefore, the same feeling, different people, same atmosphere or setting, focus on different-common denominator is that they were both inspired. For an artist like me, I often wonder when I needed inspiration for my work. So instead of my head, I can look in my heart for the answer.

Then, the best I can think of is something that moves me as a person, promote it and drive me to do and prod me to do something that I like and I love to do. Where the inspiration has been found, so that is really an easy task. If you want inspiration or need it that bad, look around you! Could be found everywhere you go and just open your eyes to perceive it. The inspiration can be found everywhere. The universe can always offer something for you. But if you're waiting for the strike is like a flash of light, well, I suggest you rely on you to get you off your cute little tush and go to shop around to find things to inspire to drive in the path to your destiny.

Inspiration is after all what makes you chase your dreams. And 'happy and exciting that feeling you get when your heart and your soul glides is moved.

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